Let's Play 20 TV Questions!

Το tv.com ετοίμασε ένα ερωτηματολόγιο 20 ερωτήσεων και θέλει να απαντήσουμε τώρα! Ξεκινάμε λοιπόν (στις παρενθέσεις έχω τις δικές μου απαντήσεις)!

1. What was the first TV show you remember loving?
(MacGyver + Knight Rider)

2. What was the last TV show you watched every episode of?
(Game of Thrones)

3. What was the last TV show you watched entirely online?
(South Park :P )

4. What was the last TV show you gave up on before it ended?

5. What's the one TV show you can always watch reruns of, no matter how many times you've seen them?

6. Who is your favorite late-night host, past or present?
(δεν βλέπω κάποιο late-night show, αλλά μου αρέσει ο Conan O'Brien)

7. What is your all-time favorite cartoon or animated series?
(The Simpsons)

8. What is your all-time favorite reality show?
(δεν βλέπω - είμαι ποιοτικός :P )

9. What is your biggest guilty pleasure show?
(Dexter - αν και πολλές φορές δεν είναι ιδιαίτερα pleasure)

10. Who is your all-time favorite TV character?
(Jack Bauer + Jack Bauer)

11. What TV character can you most relate to?
(ίσως ο Louie - δεν ξέρω)

12. What TV apartment/house would you choose to live in if money/location/logic made no difference?
(δεν μου έρχεται κάτι - ας πω του μικρό σπιτ' στου λιβάδ' :P )

13. Who is your all-time biggest TV crush?
(Renee Walker / Dana Scully)

14. What is your all-time favorite TV theme song or opening sequence?
(The X-Files - τα αγαπημένα μου openings θα τα βρείτε εδώ)

15. What is your all-time favorite comedy? (Limit yourself to 3 if you must)
(3.Louie 2.South Park 1.The Simpsons)

16. What is your all-time favorite drama? (Limit yourself to 3 if you must)
(3.The Shield 2.LOST 1.24)

17. What are your top three "TV blind spots" - the famous/seminal shows you've never seen?
(3.The West Wing 2.Six Feet Under 1.Mad Men - περισσότερες αξιόλογες σειρές που δεν έχω δει, εδώ)

18. What TV show do you insist everyone you know should watch?
(πέρα από 24... The Shield και Breaking Bad)

19. What show cancellation broke your heart?
(εκτός του 24... Terriers και Life)

20. What TV moment makes you cry every time?
(έχω συγκινηθεί με αρκετές τηλεοπτικές στιγμές, αλλά δεν έχω κάποια συγκεκριμένη που να με συγκινεί το ίδιο ΚΑΘΕ ΦΟΡΑ)

Περιμένω τις δικές σας απαντήσεις...