Pixies - Where is my Mind?

The Dark Knight Rises - Tom Hardy as Bane in Full Costume

Rolling Stones - Miss You

Dexter Season 6 - Promotional Photo


"Δεχτεράκος: Ο Άγγελος του Θανάτου"!!! :O :O :O

Αχαχαχαχαχαχα... ΠΟΣΟ ποιητικομπούρδα;!;!;

xD xD xD :P :P :P





A Short History Of CG Characters In Movies

Battleship - Trailer

Red State - Trailer2

The Avengers Concept Art + Fan Made Posters


Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Comic Con Trailer

Snow White and the Huntsman - Character Images

Doctor Who - Fall 2011 Trailer

Chris Isaak - Wicked Game

Αφίσες: Spider-Man, Captain America, Muppets, Contagion, Hunger Games, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, In Time, Bellflower

1. The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Captain America 3. The Muppets 4. Contagion

5. Hunger Games 6. Rise of the Planet of the Apes 7. In Time 8. Bellflower

Drive - Red Band Trailer

Dexter - Season 6 Trailer

Dream House - Trailer

The Amazing Spiderman - Teaser Trailer

My Top 10 Cinematic Experiences [2 Years CineTV-world]

The Hobbit - Official Photos of The Company of Dwarves

The Dark Knight Rises - Teaser Trailer

The Smurfs - Chinese Posters

| trailer | imdb |

Dexter - Season 6 Teaser Promo 2

Χαχαχαχαχαχαχα... Με διαφορά το πιο γελοίο promo που έχω δει ποτέ!!! Όπως το φανταζόμουνα... η θρησκοληψία συναντά την 6η σεζόν της (υπερτιμημένης) σειράς... Άλλωστε γι'αυτό φώναξαν και τον "ειδικό" Edward James Olmos (βλ. Adama - BSG)... Με λίγα λόγια θα είναι πιο EPIC FAIL κι από την 5η δηλαδή!!! Ναι κι όμως!!! #agapame_Dexter :D :P

[teaser promo]

Scorsese's Hugo - Trailer

The Amazing Spiderman - More Pics

Στο EW θα βρείτε περισσότερες φωτογραφίες (είπα να μη τους τις πάρω όλες:p)...

| first look | new promo pic | imdb |

John Carter - Trailer

Emmy Nominations - 2011

Contagion - Trailer

The Dark Knight Rises - Teaser Poster

The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn - International Trailer

Αφίσες: Melancholia, Captain America, Conan, Amigo, Final Destination 5...

1. Melancholia 2. Captain America 3. Conan the Barbarian 4. Amigo

5. Final Destination 5 6. The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger 7. Tyrannosaur 8. One Way Trip 3D