Kiefer Sutherland: Every Second Counts
Is this definitely the last series?
How will it feel to say goodbye to Jack?
Could the show continue without you?
This is the last series that I am contracted to do, but I really don't know what the future holds. If the writers came up with an unbelievable idea for another season, I would have to listen to that. But ultimately it's all about whether the viewers still want to watch it.
(θέλουμε-θέλουμε!!! :P)How will it feel to say goodbye to Jack?
I walked onto the set recently and I got really sad that it's coming to an end. I was lucky to have made around 40 films before 24, but I won't be too worried if I'm remembered as Jack Bauer for the rest of my life.
(αυτό έλειπε!!!)Could the show continue without you?
Yes, because the star of the show is the format. It could be following the last 24 hours in a firefighter's life, or 24 hours of a pregnant woman whose car has broken down in a snowstorm. The possibilities are endless.
(Kiefer sorry, αλλά διαφωνώ. Χωρίς τον Jack, 24 δεν γίνεται.)ΥΓ: Ποιος James Bond και ποιος Jason Bourne!!! Jack Bauer λέμε!!! Πάντως όλοι τους... J.B. είναι!!! Ακόμα και ο Jesus Brist (:/) !!! Ο Λιακόπουλος τι θα είχε να πει γι'αυτό άραγε;;; :P :/
Αφίσες: The Ghost Writer, Breaking Upwards & The Art of the Steal
1. The Ghost Writer (όχι, δεν είναι η αφίσα απ΄το videogame!!!)
2. Breaking Upwards
3. The Art of the Steal